shirt : Benetton
So ! I've been tagged by the great Le Fashion !

The rules are to list 6 things that make you happy, then pass the award on 6 more creative bloggers and link everyone along the way.
So my 6 are...
- my brother
- photography
- fashion
- drawing cats and cakes with Pauline
- Paris on the morning
- music
And I tag :
- Louise
- Fifi Lapin
- Fashion Chalet
- Kenza
- Miss Glitzy
- Annabelle
(Pics are coming !)
So my 6 are...
- my brother
- photography
- fashion
- drawing cats and cakes with Pauline
- Paris on the morning
- music
And I tag :
- Louise
- Fifi Lapin
- Fashion Chalet
- Kenza
- Miss Glitzy
- Annabelle
(Pics are coming !)